We have just three more meetings to take us to the end of June and our summer break throughout July and August. The first and third of these meetings take place in the Macready Room at the Bristol Old Vic (ask at the bar on the first floor for directions), and the middle one takes place for the first time in the Education Room at the Arnolfini (ask at the ticket desk for directions). Everyone attending pays £1.

Tuesday, 11 June at 7.30pm (Macready Room): Open Workshop

Tuesday, 18 June at 7.30pm (Arnolfini — Education Room): Refuge by Peter Kesterton
A reading of Peter’s new stage play, in the style of his recent experimental pieces, about Dakota and Kal who are getting on fine sharing a house and an interest in chocolate when the arrival of Sharon and her tropical fish causes something of a meltdown.

Tuesday, 25 June at 7.30pm (Macready Room): Open Workshop

After this, we start meeting again in September…


A successful week at the Tobacco Factory
Thanks to all of you who supported our week at the Tobacco Factory and helped to make it such a success. Box office receipts exceeded the cost of the venue by a couple of hundred pounds, so we should easily break even and so be able to stage another event next year.


Entries for our 2002/03 competition
Talking of next year’s event, now’s the time to start preparing your entry for our 2002/03 competition. Scripts should be either one-act or full-length (or only 30 minutes if a sitcom) and preferably not have too many characters. However, as this year’s winners demonstrated in abundance, if you need more characters, that won’t stop you doing well. Scripts can be for stage, screen, TV or radio, and there’s no restriction on subject matter. All scripts will be read anonymously by two independent readers. The closing date for the competition will be Tuesday, 26 November.


Steve’s Frome Festival workshop
Steve Hennessy, winner of Venue magazine’s ‘Best New Play 2001’ award, will be running a special drama workshop for the Frome Festival on Friday, 12 July from 1.30pm to 5.30pm in the Merlin Theatre foyer. Steve will include practical advice on marketing work and raising grants as well as script technique, with illustrations on tape and video.


EuroPAWS deadline
The closing date for submissions to this year’s EuroPAWS project is 14 June, so if you’ve got an idea for television drawing on the world of science and technology, you still have a few days in which to submit your outline. Script development grants are awarded, and two of the developed ideas will have 15-minute extracts performed as dramatised presentations at the Awards evening.



Picture This closing date
Also with a closing date of 14 June is Picture This: Script Showcase — an opportunity for writers and filmmakers to have extracts of their scripts performed at the Soho Theatre in London before an industry panel including leading production companies and development executives.